What makes me happy is seeing middle aged couples still walking together hand in hand.

How to propagate the Virus of Happiness?

In fact, it's quite simple !

  1. Answer this question; "What makes, or has made you, happy?" and become a Happiness Agent
  2. You earn some "Points Of Presence" (POP)
  3. You invest your Points in the city of your choice
  4. You spead the Virus of Happiness around the world.

What is the virus of happiness and how it works?

What is Happython?

And how does it work?

About Happython

Happython was founded in 1998 on this simple question: "What makes you, or has made you, happy?".
The answers of many people were printed and then exposed-pinned on clothes dryers called "Porte-Bonheurs".
These exhibitions took place in galleries, public places, post offices and finally on the web.
The idea of a Happening Record of happy moments has germinated: the Happython and the Happiness Virus have been created!
For more than 20 years, tens of thousands of people between the ages of 2 and 109 from all over the world have testified about what makes them happy.
Now it’s your turn!

What makes them or has made them happy?

To see my rabbit smiles thanks to the web cam on the net (!).

feel like the Tibetan climbing the sacred mountain ! Happiness is not the end of the path, but happiness is the very path.

Brigitte , 49 years old, Nivelles (Belgique)
Exposition citatine

What makes me happy is that I've found my ideal girl.

Fethi , 35 years old, Tlemcen (Algérie)

What made me happy ? It is probably slight …I met a totally exceptional man on a chat one year and ten days ago (de visu).

Marianne , 38 years old, Liège (Belgique)

What makes me happy is seeing middle aged couples still walking together hand in hand.

Andrée , 56 years old, Sevran (France)

What makes me happy is my calm spirit

Marie-Josée , 33 years old, Ottawa (Canada)

What makes me happy? Well, I've been married to the man I adore for 36 and we are going to celebrate our 30th marriage anniversary next October 28. We have two sons, 22 and 29 years old, I am surrounded by love. Each second of my life I find a little happiness.

Shana , 52 years old, Chambly (Canada)

What makes me happy is getting online at noon each day on one of the computers at med school with Celine and Arthur to leave messages on Happython !

Carole , 18 years old, Toulouse (France)

What makes me happy is returning home, soaked, during a storm and hearing the rain beating against the windowpanes while I heat up tea!

Elodie , 17 years old, Saint-Germain-en-Laye (France)

I am happy when I can make a date with a very good-looking girl.

Micka , 22 years old, Lyon (France)
Exposition citatine

What makes me happy is the beauty of the sky.

Camille , 10 years old, Rome (Italie)

Just to hear some good news on the radio.

Corinne , 41 years old, Bruxelles (Belgique)
Exposition citatine

What made me happy was rowing with my father one night with a full moon, at 4 in the morning, in the Parana delta in Argentina.

Eugénie , 27 years old, Buenos Aires (Argentine)

What makes me happy is spending time with my friends, going out with them, sharing my deepest thoughts with them and feeling their trust.

Fabrice , 18 years old, Marseille (France)

Happiness is in my nature, I always say that the sun is shining in my head. What makes me happy is loving life and every day there's always the same intensity inside me.

Hamed , 35 years old, Marseille (France)

What makes me happy is to have a special moment with my friends over an aperitif putting the world to rights.

What makes me happy is when in the dreams' fall when the breath of the day raises my eyelids, I'm aware that the moment when finally I'll be free is close. Every minute, every second that goes by is a step towards our reunion, my darling, my Night, my life.

What makes me happy is seeing that the head of a busy bar can stop working for two minutes because he saw a blind man trying desperately to walk across a crosswalk and help him cross arm in arm… that really make me happy to witness scenes like that ! Long live solidarity between people of all horizons !!

Greg , 20 years old, Nice (France)

What warms my heart and makes me happy is when nothing relents, seeing that my ideas come back stronger and more definite.

Jeff , 22 years old, Marseille (France)

What makes me happy is really knowing that one day I'll have enough power to spread love and happiness.

Meriama , 15 years old, Marrakech (Maroc)
Exposition citatine

Lots of things make me happy : I bought an appartment, I slept with a girl and I stopped smoking !

Lolie , 21 years old, Paris (France)

What makes me happy is telling myself that I am going to see the man of my dreams on my right during my classes.

Clémentine , 18 years old, Gennevilliers (France)
Exposition citatine

What makes me happy is when the supernatural gets revealed in my life. Coincidences, signs, dreams that come true with the impression that life organizes everything, lucid dreams.

Danielle , 33 years old, Paris (France)

Well, what made me happy lately was the surprise to be invited by my friend in a smart restaurant very close by my home where I had wanted to go for a long time but I had not enough money!

Michèle , 45 years old, Montigny-le-Tilleul (Belgique)

I'm happy when I'm part of the happiness of the people around me.

Soade , 40 years old, Casablanca (Maroc)

What makes me happy is to live without any worries.

Soufiane , 28 years old, Tébessa (Algérie)

What makes me the most happy is the love of my future husband who, despite leukemia, helps me to overcome all in life.

Lucie , 33 years old, Deux-Montagnes (Canada)

A wet spring evening simply makes me happy.

Thomas , 23 years old, Gand (Belgique)

When something wonderful appears in my life. Coincidences, signs, dreams which become reality with the impression that it's life which is organizing everything, lucid dreams.

What makes me happy? Well, I've been married to the man I adore for 36 and we are going to celebrate our 30th marriage anniversary next October 28. We have two sons, 22 and 29 years old, I am surrounded by love. Each second of my life I find a little happiness.

Shana , 52 years old, Chambly (Canada)
Exposition citatine

What makes me happy is to eat everyday with my friends, each bite is for me a breath of life.

Estefania , 18 years old, Lisbonne (Portugal)

I am happy to have a large family and a girlfriend who shares my vision. I am happy to have a lucky star in my life professionally, financially, and for leisure, love and health.

Exposition citatine

What makes me happy is the idea that people would learn to love each other, without any feeling of racism. The world is everybody's…

Hilm-Lamiae , 35 years old, Fès (Maroc)

What makes me happy is to be pretty.

Daniela , 32 years old, Ancône (Italie)

To know that there's at least one person on earth who loves me for who I am, who shares my sad and happy moments and who never gets fed up saying “I love you”.

Khaled , 20 years old, Alger (Algérie)

What makes me happy ? The field of grapefruit in pink mornings.

Damien , 24 years old, Lille (France)

What makes me happy is to know that I am the artist of my life ! Happiness exists provided I really want.

Christophe , 34 years old, Neuville-en-Ferrain (France)

Getting married to someone I love. A nice trip with my family. Having a good job!

Fatia , 24 years old, Sidi Bel Abbès (Algérie)

What makes me happy is getting a love letter meant for someone else... and getting a love letter really meant for me!

Charlotte , 17 years old, Amiens (France)

What makes me happy is when the people in the metro don't look just at their feet but at each other, and smile.

Axelle , 21 years old, Lille (France)
Exposition citatine

My faith in God makes me feel happy.

Mohamed , 35 years old, Boumerdès (Algérie)

What makes me happy is seeing all the cherry trees blooming in Japan, and telling myself that nothing is more beautiful and nothing pleases us more than this langourous pink…

Alex , 20 years old, Nice (France)
Exposition citatine

What makes me happy: to know that even far away, we can count on friends !

Vanessa , 21 years old, Rome (Italie)

Happiness is in my nature, I always say that the sun is shining in my head. What makes me happy is loving life and every day there's always the same intensity inside me.

Hamed , 35 years old, Marseille (France)

I am most happy when people thank me for holding the door for them on the metro. I leave with a lively step to the RER A.

Sylvie , 38 years old, Rueil-Malmaison (France)

The day when my son was born was a day full of happiness.

Malek , 40 years old, Alger (Algérie)

Nothing makes me happier than to create something with my own hands, to prepare some tempting meal that we can all share together later, or to sew cushions myself. There is a magic in creating, making, concocting something with ones own hands. It is a proof that our hands are just an extension of our thoughts.

The day I decided to take myself by the hand again (I was quite depressed) made it so that, during this time, life itself made me happy...

Marie , 23 years old, Thetford Mines (Canada)

Smelling the aroma of the pizza that's baking in my oven and thinking that I'm going treat myself !

Mary , 21 years old, Aix-en-Provence (France)

What makes me happy is that, though I am agoraphobic, I have made a great friend Pascale thanks to Internet, and I thank her for having friendly feelings for me.

Julie , 39 years old, Bruxelles (Belgique)
Exposition citatine

What makes me happy is making bread : to knead it, arrange the dough, cook it in my oven, and smell the aroma of fresh bread.

Josée , 54 years old, Paris (France)

A kind of happiness that will never pass away is giving birth to a child, it is the most beautiful happiness to my mind.

Evelyne , 46 years old, Namur (Belgique)
Exposition citatine

What makes me happy is feeling so small in front of a stormy ocean, smelling the spray on my face : I simply feel content, and I realize the futility of all my little everyday worries.

Marcelle , 62 years old, Québec (Canada)

What makes me happy is seeing the face of Kalé, my coworker, light up when I make him read the last Happython

Sidney , 21 years old, Paris (France)

What made me happy: Over, my first boyfriend at school, which I'll never forget.

Life and loving others makes me happy.

Yasmine-Lewis , 29 years old, Libreville (Gabon)

What makes me happy now is to see the people who think of me.

Isabelle , 29 years old, Wavre (Belgique)

My marriage has made me happy.

Thérésa , 48 years old, Bruxelles (Belgique)

What makes me happy is telling myself that there are places where everything is simple and less heavy than this place, and that can be here if I want it to be.

Eugène , 21 years old, Dargnies (France)

What makes me happy is to be with my friends with a friend called Sasi, and also Fiore and Dolores.

Anna , 45 years old, Naples (Italie)
Exposition citatine

The smile of a child after an X-ray treatment… A baby holding out his hand… All that makes me happy!!

Laure , 34 years old, Blois (France)

What makes me happy is that everybody is fine.

Catherine , 18 years old, Bruxelles (Belgique)
Exposition citatine

What makes me happy is to think every morning when I read the happython, that I'm not the only one to think that way

A woman makes me happy.

Amine , 29 years old, Madrid (Espagne)

What makes me happy is reading happython every morning in class. That puts me in a good mood for the rest of the day.

Laure , 20 years old, Lyon (France)

I thought it was only possible to die from sadness. But one day I nearly died from happiness when the man I had always loved from afar, but only ever hoped to talk to, came and talked to me. It was the most beautiful day of my life.

Sanaa , 25 years old, Casablanca (Maroc)

What makes me happy is being a great-great grandfather.

Jean , 97 years old, Barcelone (Espagne)

What makes me happy is to have the possibility to organize a great party with all the family where my brother could come with his children.

Chantal , 37 years old, Tervuren (Belgique)

What makes me happy is to be with a friend and with the kids.

Anna , 45 years old, Naples (Italie)

What makes me happy is learning that my parents are going to leave for a lover's weekend. After 23 years of marriage, isn't it still really cute?

Pierre , 18 years old, Marseille (France)
Exposition citatine

What makes me happy is to have come study french, start to understand it and eat Korean meals.

Chang-Hun , 23 years old, Bastia (France)

Walking barefoot and feeling the sun under my feet.

Mary , 21 years old, Aix-en-Provence (France)
Exposition citatine

What makes me happy is the idea of not waking up early in the morning, not taking the bus to school, not working, because studying too much can kill, but I do it anyway, I'm still happy.

Thomas , 15 years old, Aix-en-Provence (France)

What makes me happy is the shivers I get when I hear a song that moves me.

Cécile , 16 years old, Orleans (France)

What makes me happy is that people read the little Happython phrases that I cut out of the newspaper and paste on the walls in my bathrooms. Even Charlotte, who is preschool, sometimes takes more than twenty minutes.

Maïwenn , 28 years old, Champigny-sur-Marne (France)