Oh… little everyday trifles make me happy … a smile, a hand in mine…a look, a laughing child…happiness is very relative…but we must know to appreciate the little things.

How to propagate the Virus of Happiness?

In fact, it's quite simple !

  1. Answer this question; "What makes, or has made you, happy?" and become a Happiness Agent
  2. You earn some "Points Of Presence" (POP)
  3. You invest your Points in the city of your choice
  4. You spead the Virus of Happiness around the world.

What is the virus of happiness and how it works?

What is Happython?

And how does it work?

About Happython

Happython was founded in 1998 on this simple question: "What makes you, or has made you, happy?".
The answers of many people were printed and then exposed-pinned on clothes dryers called "Porte-Bonheurs".
These exhibitions took place in galleries, public places, post offices and finally on the web.
The idea of a Happening Record of happy moments has germinated: the Happython and the Happiness Virus have been created!
For more than 20 years, tens of thousands of people between the ages of 2 and 109 from all over the world have testified about what makes them happy.
Now it’s your turn!

What makes them or has made them happy?

Having a cat makes me happy.

Oh… little everyday trifles make me happy … a smile, a hand in mine…a look, a laughing child…happiness is very relative…but we must know to appreciate the little things.

Angela , 40 years old, Benidorm (Espagne)
Exposition citatine

What makes me happy, hmm... The first is waking up and seeing sunbeams... the second is payday... the third is my last day at work!

Chantal , 33 years old, Saint-Léonard (Canada)


Sophie , 22 years old, Lisbonne (Portugal)

What makes me happy is knowing that laughing works your abs!

Maud , 20 years old, Paris (France)

What makes me happiest is all the little daily pleasures... Why search so hard, look what we have near

Louise , 43 years old, Chicoutimi (Canada)

What made me really happy? The first time my son smiled directly at me.

Nathalie , 30 years old, Saint-Hyacinthe (Canada)

What makes me happy is to see that people can work together to overcome difficulty.

Leïla , 29 years old, Sousse (Tunisie)

My children ‘s smiles make me happy.

Sandrine , 32 years old, Brabant Wallon (Belgique)

What makes me happy is to see his first name show up on my cell phone when at the same moment I'm thinking of him.

Ana , 22 years old, Lisbonne (Portugal)
Exposition citatine

What makes me happy, it is in the morning when I wake up in my lover's arms and he kisses me lovingly

Olympia , 32 years old, Paris (France)

What makes me happy is a state of mind and spiritual conscience.

Exposition citatine

What made me happy Tuesday was seeing my cashier at the supermarket.

Claude , 35 years old, Rosny-sous-Bois (France)

What makes me happy is to believe in life, to believe in me.

What made me happy was my title of European champion of table tennins in all categories and my boyfriend.

Angéline , 22 years old, Evry (France)

What makes me happy is to create as many problems as possible.

Jeanne , 27 years old, Paris (France)

What makes me happy is when I have the giggles and when I laugh so much so that I have a stomachache… I feel so well after shading tears of laughter.

Smelling the aroma of the pizza that's baking in my oven and thinking that I'm going treat myself !

Mary , 21 years old, Aix-en-Provence (France)

Financial independance gives me a peace of heart and a certain serenity and the fact of being loved comforts me. Loving a man and receiving love makes me forget my worries and brings me pleasure.

What makes me happy ? A bird singing in the morning when I get up.

Thérèse , 47 years old, Charleroi (Belgique)
Exposition citatine

What made me happy ? It is probably slight …I met a totally exceptional man on a chat one year and ten days ago (de visu).

Marianne , 38 years old, Liège (Belgique)

What warms my heart and makes me happy is when nothing relents, seeing that my ideas come back stronger and more definite.

Jeff , 22 years old, Marseille (France)
Exposition citatine

The fact that I've met my soul mate makes me happy.

Sadek , 26 years old, Béjaïa (Algérie)

One of the things I like to do is ….don't laugh at me ! It is to take off the shell of hard-boiled eggs. I adore that and it makes me happy.

Lilou , 33 years old, Montréal (Canada)

What makes me happy is knowing that I am loved for who I am and that fills my heart with emotion to have tears of it in my eyes ! Then I understand that life is more than magic. Thanks to life.

Petrouchka , 21 years old, Marseille (France)

What makes me happy is writing a message to Happython and knowing that one day, maybe, my testimony with help spread the virus of happiness.

Hélène , 20 years old, Toulouse (France)

What makes me happy is when my husband tells me “I love you more than my life!”

Magalie , 23 years old, Marrakech (Maroc)

What makes me happy is seeing my girlfriend in the morning on the train tell me « until tonight, my love, » and then leave listening to Chuck Berry singing « Johnny B. Goode. »

Raphaël , 20 years old, Paris (France)

What makes me happiest is laughing, with time, over things I've cried a lot about. That's how I finally tell myself that life is too beautiful but it's us who often see the world in black.

Aysel , 20 years old, Macon (France)

What makes me happy is little everyday moments like for example : sitting on the edge of a lake and contemplating nature, horsebackriding in the woods, among other examples.

Carine , 32 years old, Granby (Canada)
Exposition citatine

What makes me happy is thinking through the best moments I've lived to determine which one is the best and thus reliving them.

Kevin , 19 years old, Chatenay-Malabry (France)

I met a person in the metro that made me smile…for no reason and that made me happy.

Sylvano , 24 years old, Madrid (Espagne)
Exposition citatine

What makes me happy is the feeling of a smile!

Emmanuelle , 27 years old, Marseille (France)

What makes me happy is the shivers I get when I hear a song that moves me.

Cécile , 16 years old, Orleans (France)

What makes me happy is the beauty of the sky.

Camille , 10 years old, Rome (Italie)

What makes me happy: to know that even far away, we can count on friends !

Vanessa , 21 years old, Rome (Italie)

Yesterday evening, out to see the lights of Lyon, I found myself in the park of la Tête d'Or, on a path with lights and sounds so surreal…and relaxing ! A real moment of happiness after a day of hard work.

Muriel , 44 years old, Lyon (France)

What makes me happy is chatting with my aunt on the internet and seeing her smile thanks to the webcam.

Mélanie , 20 years old, Toulon (France)

Overall, my friends (boys or girls) are the ones who make me happy, because they're always there for me.

Asma , 37 years old, Rabat (Maroc)

What makes me happy is to have left my parents' house.

Daniela , 32 years old, Ancône (Italie)
Exposition citatine

What makes me happy is to live without any worries.

Soufiane , 28 years old, Tébessa (Algérie)

Oh… little everyday trifles make me happy … a smile, a hand in mine…a look, a laughing child…happiness is very relative…but we must know to appreciate the little things.

Angela , 40 years old, Benidorm (Espagne)
Exposition citatine

What makes me happy is to know that I am the artist of my life ! Happiness exists provided I really want.

Christophe , 34 years old, Neuville-en-Ferrain (France)

What makes me happy is seeing all the cherry trees blooming in Japan, and telling myself that nothing is more beautiful and nothing pleases us more than this langourous pink…

Alex , 20 years old, Nice (France)

What makes me the happiest is to see the people I love happy.

Noélie , 16 years old, Mons (Belgique)

What makes me happy is when in the dreams' fall when the breath of the day raises my eyelids, I'm aware that the moment when finally I'll be free is close. Every minute, every second that goes by is a step towards our reunion, my darling, my Night, my life.

What makes me happy is knowing that laughing works your abs!

Maud , 20 years old, Paris (France)

What makes me happy is the existence of people on this earth who ask me what makes me happy.

Frédéric , 25 years old, Aubagne (France)

What made me happy was to find out that I was pregnant with the child of the man of my life.

Stéphanie , 24 years old, Rome (Italie)

What makes me happy is to dream and imagine things about battles and love.

Younès , 5 years old, Saint-Malo (France)
Exposition citatine

What made me happy was when she showed me the stars and blew on my neck to warm me up.

Rémi , 19 years old, Ferte-Bernard (France)

What makes me happy is that my scientific experiments are progressing.

Amira , 26 years old, Monastir (Tunisie)
Exposition citatine

What makes me happy : family meetings, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren…

Lucienne , 85 years old, Chatellerault (France)

What made me happy was rowing with my father one night with a full moon, at 4 in the morning, in the Parana delta in Argentina.

Eugénie , 27 years old, Buenos Aires (Argentine)

What makes me happy is my little 80-year-old mother, who is chock full of joyful projects : she's going to move into a new appartment.

Odile , 45 years old, Renay (France)

When he holds me in his arms, my head goes “pssshit.”

Angela , 23 years old, Nice (France)

What makes me happy is the idea of not waking up early in the morning, not taking the bus to school, not working, because studying too much can kill, but I do it anyway, I'm still happy.

Thomas , 15 years old, Aix-en-Provence (France)

Surprising a little sparrow while he's taking a bath in a puddle of water, that's what makes me really happy.

Céline , 22 years old, Langoiran (France)

It's to seat down at Cais Do Sodré and look at my country.

Ana , 22 years old, Lisbonne (Portugal)

Just to hear some good news on the radio.

Corinne , 41 years old, Bruxelles (Belgique)
Exposition citatine

What makes me happy is leaving work on Friday afternoon and walking in Bordeaux for an hour savoring each minute of the beginning of my weekend !

Jean-Steeve , 23 years old, Bordeaux (France)

I have just come out of a coma. Here it is : happiness is to be alive again.

Laura , 38 years old, Lille (France)
Exposition citatine

What makes me happy is the children's smile.

Andrade , 52 years old, Lisbonne (Portugal)

What makes me happy, it is to crochet fine mats and advise some people how to do crochet and knitting.

Emilienne , 97 years old, Mons-en-Baroeul (France)

What makes me happy is making bread : to knead it, arrange the dough, cook it in my oven, and smell the aroma of fresh bread.

Josée , 54 years old, Paris (France)

I'm happy every morning when my man snuggles up to me saying: “good morning, darling, I'm here next to you”. I shiver.

What made me happy, it is when I was elected Miss France 2003 on december 14, 2002 and my great pleasure was when I saw my mother after that. In her eyes I could see how proud and happy she was. I think it is the most beautiful present I can offer her.

Corinne , 20 years old, Paris (France)

feel like the Tibetan climbing the sacred mountain ! Happiness is not the end of the path, but happiness is the very path.

Brigitte , 49 years old, Nivelles (Belgique)

Surprising my brother and seeing the happiness on his face, that's enough to make me happy.

Kamila , 28 years old, Marseille (France)

What makes me happy is feeling so small in front of a stormy ocean, smelling the spray on my face : I simply feel content, and I realize the futility of all my little everyday worries.

Soizic , 24 years old, Montréal (Canada)
Exposition citatine

What makes me happy is telling myself every morning, while reading the Happython, that I am not the only one who thinks like this.

Nicolas , 22 years old, Nice (France)

The soccer team makes me happy.

Anna , 45 years old, Naples (Italie)
Exposition citatine

What makes me happy is to read every morning the Happython when I'm in class. It puts me in a good mood for all the day.

I no longer remember exactly when, But it was approximately in 1996 that I decided to “do something with Internet” It took me until April 1997 to get together the equipment, the connections and the supplies, but then bang, I saw photos of people far away appearing before my eyes, with immediacy of connection and of memory. Wow. For each question I had to do with actual things, ideas or sources of ideas, or how to do something, etc. etc. I could find the reply in a few minutes, and that's when I realised: One doesn't need to know how to reach one's goal before one has decided it - simply dream it and the answers to how you can succeed are on Internet – even if you wish to work towards an enlightened planetary civilisation…

What makes me happy is that I have found a bigger appartment that mine for the same price in the region where I am moving (a region where real estate is normally more expensive than in my region).

Maxime , 28 years old, Amiens (France)