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HAPPYTHON | What makes, or has made, you happy?

What makes them or has made them happy?

What makes me happy is the existence of people on this earth who ask me what makes me happy.

Frédéric , 25 years old, Aubagne (France)

Brought up and educated in Brazzaville, The Congo, by missionaries. A war has broken out... Everything is destroyed, the town devastated, there is nothing to be found anywhere. However with courage the sisters go back to work, open the nursery and primary schools without any materials. They send out an SOS to ex-pupils of which I am one. Since that time I am running around the shops with my limited means of a retired person. Paints, folding books, etc. etc.... meetings with the people who will carry my packages to Brazza. And in return I receive letters and drawings from little children thanking me and calling me godmother and sometimes mother, this is happiness !!!

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To help people as much as I can makes me feel happy.

Sou , 30 years old, Tunis (Tunisie)

What makes me happy is seeing her in the morning, brushing her teeth in her robe, her gaze far away. I look at her, and our eyes meet.

Noël , 24 years old, Toulouse (France)

What makes me happy are those lives I dream of and those dreams I live in.

Raked , 22 years old, Stockholm (Suède)

I am happy when I am loved for what I am.

Marcella , 37 years old, Cagliari (Italy)

What makes me happy, hmm... The first is waking up and seeing sunbeams... the second is payday... the third is my last day at work!

Claire , 48 years old, Longueuil (Canada)

What makes me happy is life... the simplicity of people... their joy of living and the smiles that surround me... I want to be happy with them like with myself... I want to live in the moment without ever forgetting the past that made me grow up so well.

Kalina , 23 years old, Laval (Canada)

Breathing everyday and going with the flow of my dailyjourney enjoying a beautiful sunny day and if possible near the sea, the lake or a river.

Monique , 46 years old, Heisdorf (Luxembourg)

When I left alone to experience giving up everything, I had the impression that I was happy.

Mihran , 33 years old, Rosny-sous-Bois (France)
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What makes me happy is to be with a friend and with the kids.

Anna , 45 years old, Naples (Italie)

What makes me happiest is all the little daily pleasures... Why search so hard, look what we have near

Louise , 43 years old, Chicoutimi (Canada)
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What makes me happy is to be healthy.

Daniela , 32 years old, Ancône (Italie)

My cousing Mathilde, 3 and a half years old, was skeptical when we told her, after school, that her little sister had been born during the day. But if you had seen her when she finally met Alice, she was ovewhelmed with joy !!!

Angélique , 23 years old, Chambly (France)

What makes me happy is life in general  Lots of good things happen to me, like my three boys...

Céline , 33 years old, Montréal (Canada)

What makes me happy is my little 80-year-old mother, who is chock full of joyful projects : she's going to move into a new appartment.

Odile , 45 years old, Renay (France)

What makes me happy is that I have found a bigger appartment that mine for the same price in the region where I am moving (a region where real estate is normally more expensive than in my region).

Maxime , 28 years old, Amiens (France)

What made me happy was when she showed me the stars and blew on my neck to warm me up.

Rémi , 19 years old, Ferte-Bernard (France)

What makes me happy is my man's love.

Martine , 43 years old, Wavre (Belgique)

What makes me happy is making bread : to knead it, arrange the dough, cook it in my oven, and smell the aroma of fresh bread.

Josée , 54 years old, Paris (France)
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Happiness for me is to get miraculously cured of my disease.

Raynald , 50 years old, Roubaix (France)

One of the things I like to do is ….don't laugh at me ! It is to take off the shell of hard-boiled eggs. I adore that and it makes me happy.

Lilou , 33 years old, Montréal (Canada)
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What makes me happy is leaving work on Friday afternoon and walking in Bordeaux for an hour savoring each minute of the beginning of my weekend !

Jean-Steeve , 23 years old, Bordeaux (France)

What makes me happy is sharing my newspaper with a neighbor on the metro who reads it over my shoulder.

Etienne , 21 years old, paris (France)

What makes me happy : walking with your eyes closed to feel the natural elements.

Stéphane , 24 years old, Gradignan (France)

The thing that makes me happiest is someone's love and people's respect and the world smiling at me.

Stéphanie , 21 years old, Québec (Canada)

What makes me happy is telling myself that, whatever happens, if we separate or find each other again, whatever time passes, no one will be able to erase our most cherished memories.

Charlotte , 16 years old, Strasbourg (France)

What made me really happy? The first time my son smiled directly at me.

Nathalie , 30 years old, Saint-Hyacinthe (Canada)

What makes me happy is the enthusiasm I feel when I'm doing my work properly. I think that living for your vocation is the best way to be happy.

Aderrazak , 31 years old, Alger (Algérie)

What makes me happy is to take out all my toys.

Maëva , 4 years old, Mons-en-Baroeul (France)
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What makes me happy is having sponsored a little african, who comes from Burundi !

Christelle , 21 years old, Pont-Saint-Pierre (France)

What makes me happy ? To create.

Jacques , 68 years old, Paris (France)
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What makes me happy is that my scientific experiments are progressing.

Amira , 26 years old, Monastir (Tunisie)

What makes me happy!!! Well, I'm only 17 years old, so my happiness is far from complete, but I'll say that what makes me happy is seeing people smile.

Mary , 17 years old, Terrebonne (Canada)

What makes me happy is to have a cat.

Ping , 35 years old, Pékin (Chine)

What makes me happy is to see the smile of people I like and the sunset. It's to hear the voices melody and children laughing. It's to smell flowers perfume and that of hot coffee. It's to feel under my fingers the softness of the skin and the grains of a fine sand beach…


Sophie , 22 years old, Lisbonne (Portugal)

What makes me happy is cracking my toes in bed instead of studying math during that time.

Ronan , 19 years old, Marseille (France)

My relationship makes me very happy. I really have the impression that I create that every day. What allowed me to live this relationship, was when I started to respect myself and to listen to myself. Of course the other person senses that and naturally comes to you without effort. Afterwards the secret is not to tie the net, not to become a living prison, but on the contrary to open up the space with kind attention and love. Programme for a beautiful relationship: - Respect it – Listen to oneself (and the other too !) – Encourage light thoughts towards the other – Continue as if you were alone - Love the other person tenderly - Have fun together.

My first contact with her, my hands on her marvelous body, our first heartfelt words, our first steps along the Rhine to exchange, a little timidly, our visions of the world

Boris , 18 years old, Strasbourg (France)
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What makes me happy is being in an excellent mood and knowing how to share it with those around me.

Franck , 37 years old, Toulouse (France)

What makes me happy is that each and every day, I live…

Andrade , 52 years old, Lisbonne (Portugal)
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I am happy because I found my P50 motorcycle that I had lost.

Paula , 29 years old, Ouagadougou (Burkina-Faso)

An evening between friends, with a little to drink of course. One of them accompanies you back to your taxi, one of the ones with whom you share the same complicity and sensitivity. And on a « goodbye » you steal a kiss from him, instead of an ordinary « see ya soon ». A kiss that lasts for a little while, a kiss he returns. The kind of kiss that makes you smile each time you think about it again and makes you happy.

Aurore , 22 years old, Paris (France)

What makes me happy is that my three and a half year old son gets angry if someone wants to smush an insect or when he asks us to be quiet to not scare a bird.

Marie-Noëlle , 32 years old, Ham-sous-Varsberg (France)

What makes me happy is the shoo-shoobidoos, the waboo waboos and all the rest.

Abigaëlle , 40 years old, Noisy-le-Grand (France)

What made me happy is an angel on the web who gave me a lot of happiness and love and I can't forget…

Marlène , 55 years old, Liège (Belgique)

What makes me happy is when my boyfriend tells me he loves me.

What makes me happy ? A bird singing in the morning when I get up.

Thérèse , 47 years old, Charleroi (Belgique)

What makes me happy is the idea that people would learn to love each other, without any feeling of racism. The world is everybody's…

Hilm-Lamiae , 35 years old, Fès (Maroc)
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What makes me happy is to stop and enjoy a few quiet moments in my very busy life, so I can think of the distance covered, trials, moments of joy, and then I think that life is great!

43 years old, Waremme (Belgique)

What makes me happy is doing little things every day and realizing that those are what bring lots of happiness.

Hélène , 42 years old, Gracefield (Canada)
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My 14 years old son has a very worn stuffed bear and I hadn't been able to find one just like it to replace it. Today, I search online and I finally found it. I order four in advance and I feel like the happiest of all mothers.

Chloé , 22 years old, Reims (France)

What made me happy lately was to hear that I was pregnant after so many fruitless attempts.

Christine , 35 years old, Liège (Belgique)

What makes me feel really happy is to be free to act, speak and realise my dreams.

Hazar , 26 years old, Tunis (Tunisie)

What makes me happy is the first kiss in a love affair…The first craziest moments…

Samuel , 28 years old, Paris (France)

What makes me happy is seeing a smile erase the wrinkles on my husband's face.

Agnès , 53 years old, Ayvelles (France)

What makes me happy is the shivers I get when I hear a song that moves me.

Cécile , 16 years old, Orleans (France)

Just now (apart from my wonderful family) the position of France, Germany, Russia, China and of course Belgium on the crisis in Irak, which shows there is some hope left. It gives me an immense happiness.

Thierry , 34 years old, Grez-Doiceau (Belgique)

What makes me happy is spending time with my friends, going out with them, sharing my deepest thoughts with them and feeling their trust.

Fabrice , 18 years old, Marseille (France)
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What makes me happy is meeting passionate people. They always lend me an admiration like an imprint of their ardor, of their taste for life and love.

Carole , 27 years old, Lyon (France)

Hearing someone whistle will always be for me, synonymous with happiness. Thans Papy.

Mélanie , 21 years old, Toulouse (France)
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What makes me happy is seeing that the head of a busy bar can stop working for two minutes because he saw a blind man trying desperately to walk across a crosswalk and help him cross arm in arm… that really make me happy to witness scenes like that ! Long live solidarity between people of all horizons !!

Greg , 20 years old, Nice (France)

What makes me happy is telling myself that there are places where everything is simple and less heavy than this place, and that can be here if I want it to be.

Eugène , 21 years old, Dargnies (France)

What made me happy, it is when I was elected Miss France 2003 on december 14, 2002 and my great pleasure was when I saw my mother after that. In her eyes I could see how proud and happy she was. I think it is the most beautiful present I can offer her.

Corinne , 20 years old, Paris (France)

What fills me with joy is simply that a smile from me can make my companion happy and make him smile too.

Séverine , 27 years old, Bordeaux (France)

What makes me happy is the happiness of others surrounding me.

Andrade , 52 years old, Lisbonne (Portugal)

What makes me happy is to be on holiday.

What makes me happy? My new life with the man of my life hihihi !

Catherine , 36 years old, Mons (Belgique)

My faith in God makes me feel happy.

Mohamed , 35 years old, Boumerdès (Algérie)
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What makes me happy is thinking that I've succeeded in getting out of many decades of abuse by myself. Others will succeed as well.

Gentiane , 56 years old, Bordeaux (France)

What makes me happy is to have come study french, start to understand it and eat Korean meals.

Chang-Hun , 23 years old, Bastia (France)
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What made me happy was rowing with my father one night with a full moon, at 4 in the morning, in the Parana delta in Argentina.

Eugénie , 27 years old, Buenos Aires (Argentine)

What makes me wild with happiness is to think that I get life ahead of me to make all my dreams come true, to meet ‘the' woman willing to offer me some kids, to see my babies grow, to make a contribution to tolerance for everyone, and mostly do my best not to wake up one day and think that I have made a mess of my life…

Jean-Daniel , 24 years old, Bastogne (Belgique)

What makes me happy is that it's raining today instead of a day when the weather's nice.

Arthur , 18 years old, Toulouse (France)

Happiness was when my adoptive brother and sister found their biological mother and also the 26th of August when I knew that I was cured of my cancer.

What makes me happy is getting online at noon each day on one of the computers at med school with Celine and Arthur to leave messages on Happython !

Carole , 18 years old, Toulouse (France)

What makes me happy is seeing my girlfriend in the morning on the train tell me « until tonight, my love, » and then leave listening to Chuck Berry singing « Johnny B. Goode. »

Nicolas , 18 years old, Toulouse (France)

Each morning on my way to work, I read the newspaper and I hurry up to read the Happython. Often I find myself in what was said. Today, it's my turn. What makes me happy is going to bed early and waking up late when I don't have to work.

Aline , 45 years old, Villepinte (France)

What makes me happy is getting up on Sundays to prepare breakfast and going back to my bedroom to find my man rolled up in the blanket, like a spring roll.

Karine , 31 years old, Caluire-et-Cuire (France)
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What makes me happy …To share a meal and an evening with friends.

Mado , 43 years old, Verviers (Belgique)

Overall, my friends (boys or girls) are the ones who make me happy, because they're always there for me.

Asma , 37 years old, Rabat (Maroc)
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Hello everyone, what made me happy this summer was just swimming in the lake with warm sunbeams... letting myself be carried softly away by small waves.I find that that's complete happiness.. it's peace, calm, joy, it's relaxing... it's being happy... and all of that accompanied by my dear husband xxx -ps: the heat is much easier to stand that way hmm...

Jeanne , 46 years old, Montréal (Canada)