Cultivating my friendships is what makes me happy.

How to propagate the Virus of Happiness?

In fact, it's quite simple !

  1. Answer this question; "What makes, or has made you, happy?" and become a Happiness Agent
  2. You earn some "Points Of Presence" (POP)
  3. You invest your Points in the city of your choice
  4. You spead the Virus of Happiness around the world.

What is the virus of happiness and how it works?

What is Happython?

And how does it work?

About Happython

Happython was founded in 1998 on this simple question: "What makes you, or has made you, happy?".
The answers of many people were printed and then exposed-pinned on clothes dryers called "Porte-Bonheurs".
These exhibitions took place in galleries, public places, post offices and finally on the web.
The idea of a Happening Record of happy moments has germinated: the Happython and the Happiness Virus have been created!
For more than 20 years, tens of thousands of people between the ages of 2 and 109 from all over the world have testified about what makes them happy.
Now it’s your turn!

What makes them or has made them happy?

What makes me happy is that people read the little Happython phrases that I cut out of the newspaper and paste on the walls in my bathrooms. Even Charlotte, who is preschool, sometimes takes more than twenty minutes.

Maïwenn , 28 years old, Champigny-sur-Marne (France)

What makes me happy is falling in lovein the metro every morning ! Stranger from line 6, if you recognize yourself…

Julia , 18 years old, Paris (France)
Exposition citatine

A particular moment in the summer of 2002 really made me happy. My father and I went fishing to the little river going near my childhood's village, in rocky canyons. He fishes with the hand since he was a little boy and this year I was also successful when I got a fish with my hand. The atmosphere and this moment of complicity both made me reach heaven.

Françoise , 22 years old, Vietri di Potenza (Italie)

What makes me happy is when the people in the metro don't look just at their feet but at each other, and smile.

Axelle , 21 years old, Lille (France)

Cultivating my friendships is what makes me happy.

To take the time to eat in a fine restaurant in Marseille and to savour the different meals…


Sophie , 22 years old, Lisbonne (Portugal)

What makes me happy ? The successful moments, the nice memories from my childhood.

Samia , 24 years old, Nabeul (Tunisie)

Smelling the aroma of the pizza that's baking in my oven and thinking that I'm going treat myself !

Mary , 21 years old, Aix-en-Provence (France)

The day when I had to defend my DES thesis I was really happy because of all the things I had endured achieving the project.

Meriem , 24 years old, Béjaïa (Algérie)
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What makes me happy ? A bird singing in the morning when I get up.

Thérèse , 47 years old, Charleroi (Belgique)

Freedom makes me feel happy.

Mahi , 28 years old, Alger (Algérie)
Exposition citatine

Life and loving others makes me happy.

Yasmine-Lewis , 29 years old, Libreville (Gabon)

What makes me wild with happiness is to think that I get life ahead of me to make all my dreams come true, to meet ‘the' woman willing to offer me some kids, to see my babies grow, to make a contribution to tolerance for everyone, and mostly do my best not to wake up one day and think that I have made a mess of my life…

Jean-Daniel , 24 years old, Bastogne (Belgique)

What made me happy: Over, my first boyfriend at school, which I'll never forget.

To help people as much as I can makes me feel happy.

Sou , 30 years old, Tunis (Tunisie)

What makes me happy, today, is seeing a magnificent carpet of dead leaves at the foot of a tree and hearing a bird singing on the bare tree.

Jacqueline , 79 years old, Lille (France)

What makes me happy is to be pretty.

Daniela , 32 years old, Ancône (Italie)

What makes me happy is to be sitting outside a café with nothing to do but let my mind wander (daydream), sip my drink and watch people walk by.

Catherine , 47 years old, Bruxelles (Belgique)

What really makes me happiest is seeing happy people around me, and what makes my heart smile is sharing my happiness with others.

Suzie , 31 years old, Candiac (Canada)
Exposition citatine

What makes me happy at this moment is that I have got rid of everything in Paris, my job and a hard life, to retire and live in Tunisia at a wonderful man's side.

Françoise , 52 years old, Rades (Tunisie)

What makes me happy is that I'm in good health, I'm active, I've got good morals, and I rarely get angry!

Brahim , 36 years old, Agadir (Maroc)
Exposition citatine

What makes me happy is to experiment with love.

What makes me happy now is to see the people who think of me.

Isabelle , 29 years old, Wavre (Belgique)

What makes me happy is to share my newspaper with somebody next to me in the tube that reads over my shoulder!

What makes me happy is to be healthy.

Daniela , 32 years old, Ancône (Italie)

What makes me happy is seeing that my best friend is always there, even when things aren't going well.

Maxime , 22 years old, Lyon (France)

My success (academic with honors) makes me happy.

Mane , 18 years old, Khouribga (Maroc)

A kind of happiness that will never pass away is giving birth to a child, it is the most beautiful happiness to my mind.

Evelyne , 46 years old, Namur (Belgique)

What makes my happy is that , currently, I only come across friendly people : the optician and her manager, the sales assistants of the sporting goods store ,of the hardware store and at the cultural goods (cds, dvds, books and video games) and craft arts stores , and the waiters and cashiers at the chinese restaurant).

Maxime , 28 years old, Amiens (France)
Exposition citatine

What makes me happy ? To be a granny, nothing is more beautiful than to see your family grow larger and be able to play the doting mother again. It makes you feel young again.

Liane , 54 years old, La Louvière (Belgique)

What makes me happy is to eat a chocolate filled pastry behind my archi (tecture) teacher's back!!!

Exposition citatine

What makes me happy is to dream and imagine things about battles and love.

Younès , 5 years old, Saint-Malo (France)

To see my rabbit smiles thanks to the web cam on the net (!).

What makes me happy is when my neighbour kindly offers me « tourtisseaux » to thank me for a small favour.

Annie , 47 years old, Paris (France)

What makes me happy is returning home, soaked, during a storm and hearing the rain beating against the windowpanes while I heat up tea!

Elodie , 17 years old, Saint-Germain-en-Laye (France)

What makes me happy is when you resuscitate a baby and suddenly hear his first cry of life tearing the silence of the room.

Delphine , 24 years old, Paris (France)

Hearing that a friend is expecting a baby makes me happy.

Wednesday afternoon, I visit my grand mother at the old folks home. Our walk in the park brings us closer. Seeing her smile and her joy makes me happy.

Surprising a little sparrow while he's taking a bath in a puddle of water, that's what makes me really happy.

Céline , 22 years old, Langoiran (France)
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I am happy because I found my P50 motorcycle that I had lost.

Paula , 29 years old, Ouagadougou (Burkina-Faso)

What makes me happy is leaving work on Friday afternoon and walking in Bordeaux for an hour savoring each minute of the beginning of my weekend !

Jean-Steeve , 23 years old, Bordeaux (France)
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For a very long time I have wanted to play a musical instrument while avoiding the forbidding aspect of learning the solfeggio. By some wonderful chance, I saw a photo of a man. Playing the tampoura in the desert, the flash !

My five year old daughter told me : « Mommy, when you die, I will take all my treasures and I will give them to you when you return as a little baby. » That day, I felt a great surge of happiness

Rebecca , 34 years old, Melun (France)

What makes me happy, today, is seeing a magnificent carpet of dead leaves at the foot of a tree and hearing a bird singing on the bare tree.

Jacqueline , 79 years old, Lille (France)

What makes me happy, hmm... The first is waking up and seeing sunbeams... the second is payday... the third is my last day at work!

Chantal , 33 years old, Saint-Léonard (Canada)

The idea of free time makes me happy. Let me explain: life is such that we are always doing something, stressed, running around, always going faster... So, to programme some free time, time to do nothing, is an idea that gives me a real sense of happiness.

What makes me feel really happy is to be free to act, speak and realise my dreams.

Hazar , 26 years old, Tunis (Tunisie)

What made me happy was to find out that I was pregnant with the child of the man of my life.

Stéphanie , 24 years old, Rome (Italie)

What makes me happy is having discovered Happython planet ! and sharing my happiness with others. I have hope for the best days.

Sandra , 27 years old, Paris (France)
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A wet spring evening simply makes me happy.

Thomas , 23 years old, Gand (Belgique)

What makes me happy is to be back on the education road.

Daniela , 32 years old, Ancône (Italie)
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The purest moment of happiness was my fiance's return to France after eight months spent in prison, in Turkey... All that because he had taken some papers! For now, it's my most beautiful moment.

Amélie , 27 years old, Herouville-Saint-Clair (France)

Up until now nothing that I have accomplished or created in my life is worth mentioning compared to that freedom I have acquired through the fact of doing nothing to accomplish, change or improve anything in the world, including myself

What makes me happy is when my husband tells me “I love you more than my life!”

Magalie , 23 years old, Marrakech (Maroc)

What makes me happy is after washing my hands, to dry them in the hot air of the hand dryer. That marks a nice pause in my day.

Julie , 20 years old, Lyon (France)

What makes me happy ? My dog !

Daniela , 32 years old, Ancône (Italie)

What makes me happy is the idea that people would learn to love each other, without any feeling of racism. The world is everybody's…

Hilm-Lamiae , 35 years old, Fès (Maroc)

My 14 years old son has a very worn stuffed bear and I hadn't been able to find one just like it to replace it. Today, I search online and I finally found it. I order four in advance and I feel like the happiest of all mothers.

Chloé , 22 years old, Reims (France)

After going on holidays alone, I come back home and I find my dog. It makes me happy.

Myriam , 19 years old, Longjumeau (France)
Exposition citatine

What makes me happy is seeing all the different colors and ethnicities in the metro when I run errands in the morning…

Mathieu , 22 years old, Toulouse (France)

What makes me happy is having sponsored a little african, who comes from Burundi !

Christelle , 21 years old, Pont-Saint-Pierre (France)
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What makes me happy is a warm day with the wind and the blue sky of spring… A day like today.

Lorenzo , 23 years old, Milan (Italie)

What makes me happy is that everybody is fine.

Catherine , 18 years old, Bruxelles (Belgique)

This morning, while feeding my fish, the ingrates finally recognized me ! I was crazy with joy ! (laughs)

Marie , 31 years old, Paris (France)

What makes me happy is to stop and enjoy a few quiet moments in my very busy life, so I can think of the distance covered, trials, moments of joy, and then I think that life is great!

43 years old, Waremme (Belgique)

My happiness is complete when I let the metro pass to keep kissing my love on the latform...telling myself that I'll take it maybe the next day or the day after that.

Sandra , 28 years old, Paris (France)

My cousing Mathilde, 3 and a half years old, was skeptical when we told her, after school, that her little sister had been born during the day. But if you had seen her when she finally met Alice, she was ovewhelmed with joy !!!

Angélique , 23 years old, Chambly (France)

What makes me happy is to go to the cinema with a girl who really appeals to me.

What makes me happy are those lives I dream of and those dreams I live in.

Raked , 22 years old, Stockholm (Suède)
Exposition citatine

I am happy when I travel around the world and get to know different possible ways of being happy.

Marcella , 37 years old, Cagliari (Italy)

What makes me happy is to see his first name show up on my cell phone when at the same moment I'm thinking of him.

Ana , 22 years old, Lisbonne (Portugal)
Exposition citatine

What makes me happy is getting up on Sundays to prepare breakfast and going back to my bedroom to find my man rolled up in the blanket, like a spring roll.

Karine , 31 years old, Caluire-et-Cuire (France)

What makes me happy is the enthusiasm I feel when I'm doing my work properly. I think that living for your vocation is the best way to be happy.

Aderrazak , 31 years old, Alger (Algérie)

What makes me happy is snakes and when my parents accepted to get one at home.

Valentin , 8 years old, Mons-en-Baroeul (France)