What makes them or has made them happy?

What made me happy was to make a break in my job in order not to work any longer, to decide to care about myself and now to give priority to my happiness.

Béatrice , 51 years old, Bruxelles (Belgique)

What made me happy...I was five years old, I wanted a little sister and I got one the day before my birthday. That was my best gift!

Benjamin , 22 years old, Romainville (France)
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What makes me happy is to create as many problems as possible.

Jeanne , 27 years old, Paris (France)

What makes me happy is when there is music on the streets or in the metro. It gives me the impression that the quick steps of hurried people are in rhythm on the tempo, like an urban choreography !

Sandy , 19 years old, Toulouse (France)

What makes me happy is writing a message to Happython and knowing that one day, maybe, my testimony with help spread the virus of happiness.

Hélène , 20 years old, Toulouse (France)

What makes me happy, today, is seeing a magnificent carpet of dead leaves at the foot of a tree and hearing a bird singing on the bare tree.

Jacqueline , 79 years old, Lille (France)

What makes me happy is having sponsored a little african, who comes from Burundi !

Christelle , 21 years old, Pont-Saint-Pierre (France)

A kind of happiness that will never pass away is giving birth to a child, it is the most beautiful happiness to my mind.

Evelyne , 46 years old, Namur (Belgique)

What makes me happy is seeing my best friend again after almost two years apart.

Samya , 17 years old, Mohammédia (Maroc)

What made me happy was my title of European champion of table tennins in all categories and my boyfriend.

Angéline , 22 years old, Evry (France)
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I am most happy when people thank me for holding the door for them on the metro. I leave with a lively step to the RER A.

Sylvie , 38 years old, Rueil-Malmaison (France)

What makes me happy is thinking through the best moments I've lived to determine which one is the best and thus reliving them.

Kevin , 19 years old, Chatenay-Malabry (France)
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Nothing makes me happier than to create something with my own hands, to prepare some tempting meal that we can all share together later, or to sew cushions myself. There is a magic in creating, making, concocting something with ones own hands. It is a proof that our hands are just an extension of our thoughts.

I am getting divorced, my husband prefers men, my 14-year-old daughter is pregnant, I am in love with a 22- year-old man who left for Mozambique, I am jobless, I am walking on air, Life is beautiful, I am alive ! Cool, isn't it ?

Ana , 45 years old, Melun (France)

One evening placed on his lower back, I thought about his little round body and I realized how happy I was to be a Daddy.

François , 25 years old, Paris (France)

What makes me happy is seeing my girlfriend in the morning on the train tell me « until tonight, my love, » and then leave listening to Chuck Berry singing « Johnny B. Goode. »

Nicolas , 18 years old, Toulouse (France)

What makes me happy is people who return my smiles and especially grannies, babies and good-looking

What makes me happy is to see the smile of people I like and the sunset. It's to hear the voices melody and children laughing. It's to smell flowers perfume and that of hot coffee. It's to feel under my fingers the softness of the skin and the grains of a fine sand beach…

What makes me happy is that everybody is fine.

Catherine , 18 years old, Bruxelles (Belgique)

What makes me happy is life... the simplicity of people... their joy of living and the smiles that surround me... I want to be happy with them like with myself... I want to live in the moment without ever forgetting the past that made me grow up so well.

Kalina , 23 years old, Laval (Canada)
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When something wonderful appears in my life. Coincidences, signs, dreams which become reality with the impression that it's life which is organizing everything, lucid dreams.

Hearing someone whistle will always be for me, synonymous with happiness. Thans Papy.

Mélanie , 21 years old, Toulouse (France)
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The idea of finding the love of my life makes me happy.

Mouna , 22 years old, Casablanca (Maroc)

It's my children that make me happy : my son Samuel, who is 1, and my daughter Mélissa-Jade, who is 14, they are the most precious things I have on Earth.

Guylaine , 38 years old, Montréal (Canada)

A child's spinning top on the carpet. What a pleasure to approach it, having watched it from afar, the memories coming back of those exquisite moments where colours mingled and filled rainbow eyes. I lean over, touch the top and play with it and that simple pleasure warms my heart, it turns, turns, turns...

I am happy when I do well in my studies.

Merieme , 20 years old, Agadir (Maroc)

What makes me happy, a great privelege in my heart, when my little 4-year-old friend, Joey, takes my hand, taking this gesture of love from this child who moves me, but completely... I become gaga with...

Hélène , 51 years old, Shawinigan (Canada)

The day I passed my driving license I was really happy because I had always thought I was useless

What makes me happy is freedom of thought and see how deep and creative and generous people can be when they are free.

Poly , 29 years old, Paris (France)

What make me happy are the moments when my son has a great time playing basketball, and flawlessly.

Sophie , 40 years old, Fresnes (France)
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What makes me happy is finding the right temperature of water in the shower right away… I hate cold showers…

Julien , 19 years old, Rennes (France)

What makes my happy is that , currently, I only come across friendly people : the optician and her manager, the sales assistants of the sporting goods store ,of the hardware store and at the cultural goods (cds, dvds, books and video games) and craft arts stores , and the waiters and cashiers at the chinese restaurant).

Maxime , 28 years old, Amiens (France)
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It's to seat down at Cais Do Sodré and look at my country.

Ana , 22 years old, Lisbonne (Portugal)

What made me happy is an angel on the web who gave me a lot of happiness and love and I can't forget…

Marlène , 55 years old, Liège (Belgique)

Surprising a little sparrow while he's taking a bath in a puddle of water, that's what makes me really happy.

Céline , 22 years old, Langoiran (France)

Smelling the scent of my children makes me happy.

Mireille , 45 years old, Madrid (Espagne)

What makes me happy is having discovered Happython planet ! and sharing my happiness with others. I have hope for the best days.

Sandra , 27 years old, Paris (France)

Life is at the base. I know well that there are ups and downs, it's like that, but there's the fun and that's what makes me happy.

Cynthia , 16 years old, Saint-Jérôme (Canada)

What makes me happy are those lives I dream of and those dreams I live in.

Raked , 22 years old, Stockholm (Suède)

What made me happy was rowing with my father one night with a full moon, at 4 in the morning, in the Parana delta in Argentina.

Eugénie , 27 years old, Buenos Aires (Argentine)
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What makes me happy is seeing all the different colors and ethnicities in the metro when I run errands in the morning…

Mathieu , 22 years old, Toulouse (France)

What does make me happy is to watch the waves lapping on the fine sand

Nadine , 33 years old, Mons (Belgique)
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A moment of happiness: the kiss from this little girl who thanked me for having cured her mommy. What made me happy yesterday was passing the evening with the man I love, dancing all night with him and showing him that his black skin and my white skin show at the same time both contrast and harmony.

Muriel , 48 years old, Blois (France)

When he holds me in his arms, my head goes “pssshit.”

Angela , 23 years old, Nice (France)

What makes me happy is seeing my parents together.

Sarah , 20 years old, Casablanca (Maroc)

What makes me happy is to go to the cinema with a girl who really appeals to me.

What makes me happy is cracking my toes in bed instead of studying math during that time.

Ronan , 19 years old, Marseille (France)

What makes me happy is finally being myself in my own eyes and in the eyes of my loved ones.

Didier , 34 years old, Paris (France)

What made me happy ? It is probably slight …I met a totally exceptional man on a chat one year and ten days ago (de visu).

Marianne , 38 years old, Liège (Belgique)

What makes me happy is making up with a colleague ! ( a little daily pleasure)

Christian , 44 years old, Paris (France)
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What makes me happy is feeling so small in front of a stormy ocean, smelling the spray on my face : I simply feel content, and I realize the futility of all my little everyday worries.

Soizic , 24 years old, Montréal (Canada)

It's snowing. I didn't drink today (well… yeah, a little). I'm trying to answer your question… happiness ? For me this intense, deep emotion that moves me : I feel that I'm going to go away… I won't tremble anymore… live, that's all. Happiness is knowing that you can go away, happiness is the smile of someone who doesn't know that I'm an alcoholic. Happiness… is thinking that I'm normal. Happiness : being right, loyal, and honest.

Victoire , 28 years old, Paris (France)
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What makes me happy is seeing my love, who lives in Toulouse, very soon.

Soraya , 28 years old, Bobigny (France)

I love to feel that boundaries don't exist here, smiles are the same everywhere, they can be exchanged in every language… that makes me happy.

Amandine , 21 years old, Madrid (Espagne)

What makes me happy is getting up on Sundays to prepare breakfast and going back to my bedroom to find my man rolled up in the blanket, like a spring roll.

Karine , 31 years old, Caluire-et-Cuire (France)

Happiness was when my adoptive brother and sister found their biological mother and also the 26th of August when I knew that I was cured of my cancer.

My happiness is complete when I let the metro pass to keep kissing my love on the latform...telling myself that I'll take it maybe the next day or the day after that.

Sandra , 28 years old, Paris (France)

Breathing everyday and going with the flow of my dailyjourney enjoying a beautiful sunny day and if possible near the sea, the lake or a river.

Monique , 46 years old, Heisdorf (Luxembourg)

What makes me happy is to have a special moment with my friends over an aperitif putting the world to rights.

What makes me happy is getting up in the morning, stretching out on my sofa and letting the sun warms my bare feet through the window.

Bertrand , 23 years old, Bordeaux (France)
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See and have the sun when I get up in the morning!

Sophie , 22 years old, Lisbonne (Portugal)

Each morning on my way to work, I read the newspaper and I hurry up to read the Happython. Often I find myself in what was said. Today, it's my turn. What makes me happy is going to bed early and waking up late when I don't have to work.

Aline , 45 years old, Villepinte (France)
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For me, it's the sea that makes me happy!!! When I see it or just even think about it I feel good deep inside. It might be quite trivial but the blue ocean makes me happy.

Mina , 30 years old, Tizi Ouzou (Algérie)

I'm a naturally happy person because I've learnt to see only the nice and positive side of what happens.

Mustapha , 56 years old, Oran (Algérie)

I am happy as soon as I get home from the office in the evening and see my child's smile.

Sam , 25 years old, Toulon (France)

What makes me happy, you see, is that I live fully in the present moment. I savor each minute with pure delicacy, that's all!

Isabelle , 28 years old, Drummondville (Canada)

What makes me happy is being a great-great grandfather.

Jean , 97 years old, Barcelone (Espagne)

What makes me happy at this moment is that I have got rid of everything in Paris, my job and a hard life, to retire and live in Tunisia at a wonderful man's side.

Françoise , 52 years old, Rades (Tunisie)

What makes me happy is to have a beautiful diploma.

Sona , 28 years old, Bastia (France)

What makes me happy : Luigi who brought me a chocolate egg, only for me !

Vanessa , 21 years old, Rome (Italie)
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Up until now nothing that I have accomplished or created in my life is worth mentioning compared to that freedom I have acquired through the fact of doing nothing to accomplish, change or improve anything in the world, including myself

To feel the blending of warmth and cool in a summer evening, to drink a cool beer, to eat spiced olives, to hear my friends laugh, for me, that is happiness (in summer).

Emilie , 22 years old, Montpellier (France)
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Walking barefoot and feeling the sun under my feet.

Mary , 21 years old, Aix-en-Provence (France)

What makes me happy is getting online at noon each day on one of the computers at med school with Celine and Arthur to leave messages on Happython !

Carole , 18 years old, Toulouse (France)

What makes me happy is the happiness of others surrounding me.

Andrade , 52 years old, Lisbonne (Portugal)

What made me happy is when I was offered a chimpanzee, which was my dearest dream.

Ophélie , 21 years old, Valenciennes (France)

What makes me happy is knowing that I am loved for who I am and that fills my heart with emotion to have tears of it in my eyes ! Then I understand that life is more than magic. Thanks to life.

Petrouchka , 21 years old, Marseille (France)

What makes me happy is to see that people can work together to overcome difficulty.

Leïla , 29 years old, Sousse (Tunisie)

I'm happy when I travel !

Boudriss , 38 years old, Mantoue (Italie)

My grandfather's eyes that sparkled whenever he saw me arrive. The wind that strokes my face, the sun that warms up the heart and finally, just feeling alive!

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What makes me happy is staying in contact with my old friends and making new friends.

Cynthia , 18 years old, Shawinigan (Canada)

What makes me happy ? A bird singing in the morning when I get up.

Thérèse , 47 years old, Charleroi (Belgique)
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What makes me happiest is laughing, with time, over things I've cried a lot about. That's how I finally tell myself that life is too beautiful but it's us who often see the world in black.

Aysel , 20 years old, Macon (France)