What makes them or has made them happy?

What makes me happy is seeing my girlfriend after two or three days when we haven't seen each other and she has a smile on her lips... That means we aren't going to confuse ourselves.

Karim , 22 years old, Meaux (France)

The purchase of a house in the country made me happy. It gave me a goal.

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What makes me happy is reading every little bit of joy in my children's eyes.

Solange , 31 years old, Lyon (France)

What makes me happy is to experiment with love.

What makes me happy is learning that my parents are going to leave for a lover's weekend. After 23 years of marriage, isn't it still really cute?

Pierre , 18 years old, Marseille (France)

What made me happy was to make a break in my job in order not to work any longer, to decide to care about myself and now to give priority to my happiness.

Béatrice , 51 years old, Bruxelles (Belgique)

What makes me happy is falling in lovein the metro every morning ! Stranger from line 6, if you recognize yourself…

Julia , 18 years old, Paris (France)

What makes me happy is seeing that the head of a busy bar can stop working for two minutes because he saw a blind man trying desperately to walk across a crosswalk and help him cross arm in arm… that really make me happy to witness scenes like that ! Long live solidarity between people of all horizons !!

Greg , 20 years old, Nice (France)

What makes me the happiest is to see the people I love happy.

Noélie , 16 years old, Mons (Belgique)

What made me happy lately was to hear that I was pregnant after so many fruitless attempts.

Christine , 35 years old, Liège (Belgique)
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What makes me happy is to have a cat.

Ping , 35 years old, Pékin (Chine)

What makes me happy is the beauty of the sky.

Camille , 10 years old, Rome (Italie)
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Surprising a little sparrow while he's taking a bath in a puddle of water, that's what makes me really happy.

Céline , 22 years old, Langoiran (France)

What makes me happy: to know that even far away, we can count on friends !

Vanessa , 21 years old, Rome (Italie)

The soccer team makes me happy.

Anna , 45 years old, Naples (Italie)

As far as I'm concerned, what made me happy was to meet this great guy who I really love a lot.

Lina , 30 years old, Tigzirt (Algérie)

Lots of things make me happy : I bought an appartment, I slept with a girl and I stopped smoking !

Lolie , 21 years old, Paris (France)

What makes me happy is to be at the bottom of a mountain, a hill…watching the top and say to it: “see you soon”… To walk, sweat, breath, sometimes to suffer a little… and reach the top and think: “I've done it, thank you”. Just a challenge with nature. This is one of the most wonderful things in the world.

What makes me feel really happy is to be free to act, speak and realise my dreams.

Hazar , 26 years old, Tunis (Tunisie)

What makes me happy is to have a beautiful diploma.

Sona , 28 years old, Bastia (France)
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My referee diploma made me happy.

Bilal , 14 years old, Vaulx-en-Velin (France)

What makes me happy is writing a message to Happython and knowing that one day, maybe, my testimony with help spread the virus of happiness.

Hélène , 20 years old, Toulouse (France)
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What makes me happy is to see the smile of people I like and the sunset. It's to hear the voices melody and children laughing. It's to smell flowers perfume and that of hot coffee. It's to feel under my fingers the softness of the skin and the grains of a fine sand beach…

feel like the Tibetan climbing the sacred mountain ! Happiness is not the end of the path, but happiness is the very path.

Brigitte , 49 years old, Nivelles (Belgique)

I'm in college prep, and what makes me happy is that my scores went from 2 over 20 to 4 over 20. I tell myself then, that now I see the fruits of my labors.

Laly , 18 years old, Paris (France)

I'm happy when I'm part of the happiness of the people around me.

Soade , 40 years old, Casablanca (Maroc)

What makes me happy : Luigi who plays the guitar !

Vanessa , 21 years old, Rome (Italie)

What makes me happy is to read every morning the Happython when I'm in class. It puts me in a good mood for all the day.

I'm happy when I travel !

Boudriss , 38 years old, Mantoue (Italie)

Brought up and educated in Brazzaville, The Congo, by missionaries. A war has broken out... Everything is destroyed, the town devastated, there is nothing to be found anywhere. However with courage the sisters go back to work, open the nursery and primary schools without any materials. They send out an SOS to ex-pupils of which I am one. Since that time I am running around the shops with my limited means of a retired person. Paints, folding books, etc. etc.... meetings with the people who will carry my packages to Brazza. And in return I receive letters and drawings from little children thanking me and calling me godmother and sometimes mother, this is happiness !!!

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What makes me happy is to be loved by the man of my life, a loving Canadian that fate put on my way.

Christelle , 25 years old, Nivelles (Belgique)

My cousing Mathilde, 3 and a half years old, was skeptical when we told her, after school, that her little sister had been born during the day. But if you had seen her when she finally met Alice, she was ovewhelmed with joy !!!

Angélique , 23 years old, Chambly (France)
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What makes me happy is that I'm in good health, I'm active, I've got good morals, and I rarely get angry!

Brahim , 36 years old, Agadir (Maroc)

The smile of a child after an X-ray treatment… A baby holding out his hand… All that makes me happy!!

Laure , 34 years old, Blois (France)

What makes me happy ? Sitting between others, while I feel a little wind on my face and watch the sunset.

Méliza , 19 years old, La Prairie (Canada)

Someone who is able to listen to you, to have a discussion with you. Also to be able to open your heart to someone who knows about human qualities.

Fathi , 45 years old, Sfax (Tunisie)

What makes me happy is sharing my newspaper with a neighbor on the metro who reads it over my shoulder.

Etienne , 21 years old, paris (France)

What makes me happy is getting online at noon each day on one of the computers at med school with Celine and Arthur to leave messages on Happython !

Carole , 18 years old, Toulouse (France)

What makes me happy is getting up in the morning, stretching out on my sofa and letting the sun warms my bare feet through the window.

Bertrand , 23 years old, Bordeaux (France)

What make me happy are the moments when my son has a great time playing basketball, and flawlessly.

Sophie , 40 years old, Fresnes (France)
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What makes me happy is to read Happython in Metro newspaper with my beloved chums every day.

Duggy , 20 years old, Pantin (France)

What makes me happy is to eat braised fish with my fingers, in the shade of a tree, in the Ivory Coast, and to watch the sunrise on Buttes Chaumont Park.

Aline , 28 years old, Paris (France)
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My success (academic with honors) makes me happy.

Mane , 18 years old, Khouribga (Maroc)

What makes me happy is to go to the cinema with a girl who really appeals to me.

Breathing everyday and going with the flow of my dailyjourney enjoying a beautiful sunny day and if possible near the sea, the lake or a river.

Monique , 46 years old, Heisdorf (Luxembourg)

What makes me happy is my calm spirit

Marie-Josée , 33 years old, Ottawa (Canada)

What makes me happy, hmm... The first is waking up and seeing sunbeams... the second is payday... the third is my last day at work!

Chantal , 33 years old, Saint-Léonard (Canada)

What makes me happy is to please to my parents so that they are proud of me. Thank you Dad and Mum, I'm madly in love with you!!!

What fills me with joy is simply that a smile from me can make my companion happy and make him smile too.

Séverine , 27 years old, Bordeaux (France)

I'm happy when my pupils smile in class and when they seem to be happy to be at school.

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What makes me happy is telling myself that I am going to see the man of my dreams on my right during my classes.

Clémentine , 18 years old, Gennevilliers (France)

My most beautiful moment of happiness was when my love, Nuno Filipe, had prepared for me the most beautiful Valentine's day…. We went to the highest place in the region. Without me noticing anything, he took out two crystal glasses of champaign and a red roses bunch where there was a little note: with lots of love. And the best: a ring, a solitaire and the most important, lots of love…

Silvia , 23 years old, Pombal (Portugal)
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Happiness was when my adoptive brother and sister found their biological mother and also the 26th of August when I knew that I was cured of my cancer.

What makes me happiest is the love of my future husband who, despite leukemia, helps me to get through life.

Lucie , 33 years old, Deux-Montagnes (Canada)

What makes me happy ? To be a granny, nothing is more beautiful than to see your family grow larger and be able to play the doting mother again. It makes you feel young again.

Liane , 54 years old, La Louvière (Belgique)

What makes me happy is the enthusiasm I feel when I'm doing my work properly. I think that living for your vocation is the best way to be happy.

Aderrazak , 31 years old, Alger (Algérie)

Hearing that a friend is expecting a baby makes me happy.

What makes me happy are those lives I dream of and those dreams I live in.

Raked , 22 years old, Stockholm (Suède)

What makes me happy is to have the possibility to organize a great party with all the family where my brother could come with his children.

Chantal , 37 years old, Tervuren (Belgique)

What makes me happy is all that is beautiful, pure, frank and honest and that doesn't cost anything because these are the simplest things that are the most wonderful.

Steven , 33 years old, Rivière-du-Loup (Canada)
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What makes me most happy is when I see happy people. That's the reason why I try to make people happy. Sometimes a simple smile is enough…Fortunately there's a universal language that everybody can communicate with: the “language of the heart”.

Maïssa , 21 years old, Tunis (Tunisie)

What made me happy : learn that Caro and Math are excepting a baby !

Vanessa , 21 years old, Rome (Italie)
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The idea of finding the love of my life makes me happy.

Mouna , 22 years old, Casablanca (Maroc)

What makes me happy is when there is music on the streets or in the metro. It gives me the impression that the quick steps of hurried people are in rhythm on the tempo, like an urban choreography !

Sandy , 19 years old, Toulouse (France)

I'm a naturally happy person because I've learnt to see only the nice and positive side of what happens.

Mustapha , 56 years old, Oran (Algérie)

The day I passed my driving license I was really happy because I had always thought I was useless

Life and loving others makes me happy.

Yasmine-Lewis , 29 years old, Libreville (Gabon)

What makes me happy is finally being myself in my own eyes and in the eyes of my loved ones.

Didier , 34 years old, Paris (France)

I met a person in the metro that made me smile…for no reason and that made me happy.

Sylvano , 24 years old, Madrid (Espagne)

Yesterday it rained, I strolled along the ocean, a photo was taken, a kiss, a laugh, warmed up again in a cafe, shared a chocolate cake and cherry tea.

Nelly , 26 years old, Nantes (France)
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What has made me happy for 30 years is to live with an exceptional woman who is my wife, my friend, my confidante and my mistress all at the same time.

Rida , 55 years old, Sfax (Tunisie)

What made me happy was being born into softness, joy and love, and knowing that when I open my door, all of it spreads out to the entire world.

Jessica , 18 years old, Bordeaux (France)
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Smelling the aroma of the pizza that's baking in my oven and thinking that I'm going treat myself !

Mary , 21 years old, Aix-en-Provence (France)

So passionate, so tender, to hold me in your arms, kiss me gently and… tu make me fall on the bed ! You are so clumsy, my love, but how I love you, ooof ! I think about it in the metro, and I burst out laughing. I am happy.

Florence , 21 years old, Paris (France)

What makes me happy!!! Well, I'm only 17 years old, so my happiness is far from complete, but I'll say that what makes me happy is seeing people smile.

Mary , 17 years old, Terrebonne (Canada)

An evening between friends, with a little to drink of course. One of them accompanies you back to your taxi, one of the ones with whom you share the same complicity and sensitivity. And on a « goodbye » you steal a kiss from him, instead of an ordinary « see ya soon ». A kiss that lasts for a little while, a kiss he returns. The kind of kiss that makes you smile each time you think about it again and makes you happy.

Aurore , 22 years old, Paris (France)

What makes me happy is thinking through the best moments I've lived to determine which one is the best and thus reliving them.

Kevin , 19 years old, Chatenay-Malabry (France)

What makes me happy is the surge of love that invades my heart in the most numb of her lyrics…

Clément , 20 years old, Lyon (France)

What makes me happy is the first kiss in a love affair…The first craziest moments…

Samuel , 28 years old, Paris (France)

Yesterday evening, out to see the lights of Lyon, I found myself in the park of la Tête d'Or, on a path with lights and sounds so surreal…and relaxing ! A real moment of happiness after a day of hard work.

Muriel , 44 years old, Lyon (France)
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What makes me happy, it is in the morning when I wake up in my lover's arms and he kisses me lovingly

Olympia , 32 years old, Paris (France)

What makes me happy is seeing my love, who lives in Toulouse, very soon.

Soraya , 28 years old, Bobigny (France)
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What makes me happy is the day when my mother told me that she was happy to have a daughter like me.

Kadi , 18 years old, Madrid (Espagne)