What makes me happy is to create as many problems as possible.
Jeanne , 27 years old, Paris (France)What makes them or has made them happy?
What made me happy was to make a break in my job in order not to work any longer, to decide to care about myself and now to give priority to my happiness.
Béatrice , 51 years old, Bruxelles (Belgique)
What warms my heart and makes me happy is when nothing relents, seeing that my ideas come back stronger and more definite.
Jeff , 22 years old, Marseille (France)What makes me happy is seeing the popcorn head of my love waking up.
Hélène , 30 years old, Lyon (France)To travel to Europe to see my brother's son who was born the day before yesterday.
Mohamed-Amine , 19 years old, Casablanca (Maroc)The simplest feeling of happiness is to know that someone somewhere loves you.
Edmée , 16 years old, Nabeul (Tunisie)Overall, my friends (boys or girls) are the ones who make me happy, because they're always there for me.
Asma , 37 years old, Rabat (Maroc)What makes me happy is when the people in the metro don't look just at their feet but at each other, and smile.
Axelle , 21 years old, Lille (France)What makes me happy is receiving a message that is proof of a pardon granted by a friend...maybe found again.
Thierry , 47 years old, Arradon (France)
A kind of happiness that will never pass away is giving birth to a child, it is the most beautiful happiness to my mind.
Evelyne , 46 years old, Namur (Belgique)I'm against peoples' oppression and I want them to be free, so I am happy when there is justice on earth,…
Siham , 32 years old, Casablanca (Maroc)
Financial independance gives me a peace of heart and a certain serenity and the fact of being loved comforts me. Loving a man and receiving love makes me forget my worries and brings me pleasure.
What makes me the happiest is to see the people I love happy.
Noélie , 16 years old, Mons (Belgique)What made me happy was to spend my birthday evening with my son and his girlfriend, and tomorrow it will be the same with my sister and her husband. Hurray for the family!
Josette , 52 years old, Saint-Nicolas (Belgique)What makes me happy is the day when my mother told me that she was happy to have a daughter like me.
Kadi , 18 years old, Madrid (Espagne)What makes me happy is running with people who are going to miss their train: not because I want to catch the train, but just for the pleasure of running and being out of breath...
Mélanie , 22 years old, Paris (France)
I am happy to have a large family and a girlfriend who shares my vision. I am happy to have a lucky star in my life professionally, financially, and for leisure, love and health.
What makes me happy is to be at the bottom of a mountain, a hill…watching the top and say to it: “see you soon”… To walk, sweat, breath, sometimes to suffer a little… and reach the top and think: “I've done it, thank you”. Just a challenge with nature. This is one of the most wonderful things in the world.

For me, what makes me happy is accomplishing the tasks I have to do... however small they are... the satisfaction of finished work...
Manon , 36 years old, Laurentides (Canada)What makes me happy is to get up in the morning and think that I'm still there despite the past difficulties.
For me, it's the sea that makes me happy!!! When I see it or just even think about it I feel good deep inside. It might be quite trivial but the blue ocean makes me happy.
Mina , 30 years old, Tizi Ouzou (Algérie)What makes me happy, you see, is that I live fully in the present moment. I savor each minute with pure delicacy, that's all!
Isabelle , 28 years old, Drummondville (Canada)What made me happy...I was five years old, I wanted a little sister and I got one the day before my birthday. That was my best gift!
Benjamin , 22 years old, Romainville (France)
What makes me happy is the idea that people would learn to love each other, without any feeling of racism. The world is everybody's…
Hilm-Lamiae , 35 years old, Fès (Maroc)What made me happy was rowing with my father one night with a full moon, at 4 in the morning, in the Parana delta in Argentina.
Eugénie , 27 years old, Buenos Aires (Argentine)
My fall in the bus this afternoon because a good-looking boy gave me a smile and helped me to get up
What makes me happy is meeting passionate people. They always lend me an admiration like an imprint of their ardor, of their taste for life and love.
Carole , 27 years old, Lyon (France)When I left alone to experience giving up everything, I had the impression that I was happy.
Mihran , 33 years old, Rosny-sous-Bois (France)A particular moment in the summer of 2002 really made me happy. My father and I went fishing to the little river going near my childhood's village, in rocky canyons. He fishes with the hand since he was a little boy and this year I was also successful when I got a fish with my hand. The atmosphere and this moment of complicity both made me reach heaven.
Françoise , 22 years old, Vietri di Potenza (Italie)What makes me happy is returning home, soaked, during a storm and hearing the rain beating against the windowpanes while I heat up tea!
Elodie , 17 years old, Saint-Germain-en-Laye (France)What makes me happy are those lives I dream of and those dreams I live in.
Raked , 22 years old, Stockholm (Suède)Well, what made me happy lately was the surprise to be invited by my friend in a smart restaurant very close by my home where I had wanted to go for a long time but I had not enough money!
Michèle , 45 years old, Montigny-le-Tilleul (Belgique)What makes me happy is to have been able to get a job on my own.
Daniela , 32 years old, Ancône (Italie)
The smile of a child after an X-ray treatment… A baby holding out his hand… All that makes me happy!!
Laure , 34 years old, Blois (France)
What made me happy is an angel on the web who gave me a lot of happiness and love and I can't forget…
Marlène , 55 years old, Liège (Belgique)What makes me happy is to be sitting outside a café with nothing to do but let my mind wander (daydream), sip my drink and watch people walk by.
Catherine , 47 years old, Bruxelles (Belgique)What makes me happy is thinking that I've succeeded in getting out of many decades of abuse by myself. Others will succeed as well.
Gentiane , 56 years old, Bordeaux (France)What makes me happy is to prepare a good meal when my son comes home.
Jean-Luc , 52 years old, Garde (France)What makes me happy is thinking of the happy future waiting for me somewhere in the universe.
Isabelle , 21 years old, Toulouse (France)What made me happy was when she showed me the stars and blew on my neck to warm me up.
Rémi , 19 years old, Ferte-Bernard (France)
One of the things I like to do is ….don't laugh at me ! It is to take off the shell of hard-boiled eggs. I adore that and it makes me happy.
Lilou , 33 years old, Montréal (Canada)So passionate, so tender, to hold me in your arms, kiss me gently and… tu make me fall on the bed ! You are so clumsy, my love, but how I love you, ooof ! I think about it in the metro, and I burst out laughing. I am happy.
Florence , 21 years old, Paris (France)
What makes me happy is finding the right temperature of water in the shower right away… I hate cold showers…
Julien , 19 years old, Rennes (France)What makes me happy is when I have the giggles and when I laugh so much so that I have a stomachache… I feel so well after shading tears of laughter.
What made me happy lately was to hear that I was pregnant after so many fruitless attempts.
Christine , 35 years old, Liège (Belgique)My greatest happiness has been the birth of my two children! One boy one girl:
Marie-Lise , 43 years old, Forestville (Canada)What makes me happy is listening to Metallica while petting a kitten.
Pauline , 20 years old, Toulouse (France)I am most happy when people thank me for holding the door for them on the metro. I leave with a lively step to the RER A.
Sylvie , 38 years old, Rueil-Malmaison (France)What makes me happy is that I'm in good health, I'm active, I've got good morals, and I rarely get angry!
Brahim , 36 years old, Agadir (Maroc)
It's my children that make me happy : my son Samuel, who is 1, and my daughter Mélissa-Jade, who is 14, they are the most precious things I have on Earth.
Guylaine , 38 years old, Montréal (Canada)
What makes me happy is that my annuual medical appointment with my cardiologist was OK, and that even if unfortunately, she leaves the region,, she has found a cardiologist specialized, like her, in congenital hearth disease (my disease), who works in the region where I am move in, whom she knows well, and promised me that he is friendly.
Maxime , 28 years old, Amiens (France)What makes me happy is a warm day with the wind and the blue sky of spring… A day like today.
Lorenzo , 23 years old, Milan (Italie)The happiest day of my live was when I left the hole I was hidden in for a month during the war in Rwanda. That day, the sun shone like it will no longer and the breeze was a caress that no man has ever given me. It was June 21, 1994 around 3 :00 p.m. I was 14.
Prisca , 26 years old, Brunoy (France)Happiness for me is to get miraculously cured of my disease.
Raynald , 50 years old, Roubaix (France)What makes me happy ? The field of grapefruit in pink mornings.
Damien , 24 years old, Lille (France)What makes me happy is doing a task that, I feel, fits with me and my personnality.
Anna , 45 years old, Naples (Italie)My happiness is eating my favorite meal: pureed sausage.
Thomas , 10 years old, Mons-en-Baroeul (France)An evening between friends, with a little to drink of course. One of them accompanies you back to your taxi, one of the ones with whom you share the same complicity and sensitivity. And on a « goodbye » you steal a kiss from him, instead of an ordinary « see ya soon ». A kiss that lasts for a little while, a kiss he returns. The kind of kiss that makes you smile each time you think about it again and makes you happy.
Aurore , 22 years old, Paris (France)
My little world makes me happy… I first of all have all my pets: Loulou, Fofinha, Nina, Cleo, Cesar, Micas they are my dogs who, I can assure you, are also very happy with 3400 feet of field and two little houses… My cats: Tigrao, Faisca, Princesa who have 4 little kittens Milady, Aramis, Dartanhan, Portos… My tortoises whose names are: César and Cléopâtre…. My birds in big cage…
Silvia , 23 years old, Pombal (Portugal)What made me happy was being born into softness, joy and love, and knowing that when I open my door, all of it spreads out to the entire world.
Jessica , 18 years old, Bordeaux (France)
The purest moment of happiness was my fiance's return to France after eight months spent in prison, in Turkey... All that because he had taken some papers! For now, it's my most beautiful moment.
Amélie , 27 years old, Herouville-Saint-Clair (France)What fills me with joy is simply that a smile from me can make my companion happy and make him smile too.
Séverine , 27 years old, Bordeaux (France)What makes me happy is to see this little twig of a woman who is my mother smile and laugh, each time it's…
Heïdi , 21 years old, Villeurbanne (France)Hello everyone, what made me happy this summer was just swimming in the lake with warm sunbeams... letting myself be carried softly away by small waves.I find that that's complete happiness.. it's peace, calm, joy, it's relaxing... it's being happy... and all of that accompanied by my dear husband xxx -ps: the heat is much easier to stand that way hmm...
Jeanne , 46 years old, Montréal (Canada)What makes me happy ? The successful moments, the nice memories from my childhood.
Samia , 24 years old, Nabeul (Tunisie)
What makes me happy is getting online at noon each day on one of the computers at med school with Celine and Arthur to leave messages on Happython !
Carole , 18 years old, Toulouse (France)What makes me happy is the existence of people on this earth who ask me what makes me happy.
Frédéric , 25 years old, Aubagne (France)