What makes them or has made them happy?

What makes me happy, a great privelege in my heart, when my little 4-year-old friend, Joey, takes my hand, taking this gesture of love from this child who moves me, but completely... I become gaga with...

Hélène , 51 years old, Shawinigan (Canada)

What makes me happy is doing a task that, I feel, fits with me and my personnality.

Anna , 45 years old, Naples (Italie)
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I am happy because I found my P50 motorcycle that I had lost.

Paula , 29 years old, Ouagadougou (Burkina-Faso)

What makes me happy is getting up in the morning, stretching out on my sofa and letting the sun warms my bare feet through the window.

Bertrand , 23 years old, Bordeaux (France)

To eat chips makes me happy

François , 23 years old, Calais (France)

What makes me happy is a state of mind and spiritual conscience.

What makes me happy is making up with a colleague ! ( a little daily pleasure)

Christian , 44 years old, Paris (France)

To know that there's at least one person on earth who loves me for who I am, who shares my sad and happy moments and who never gets fed up saying “I love you”.

Khaled , 20 years old, Alger (Algérie)

My wife makes me happy… She helped me to discover what real life is like!!!

Nacer , 34 years old, Chlef (Algérie)

What makes me happy is that I have found a bigger appartment that mine for the same price in the region where I am moving (a region where real estate is normally more expensive than in my region).

Maxime , 28 years old, Amiens (France)
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What made me happy...I'm going to be very original: the birth of my son! When they put him on my stomach and I saw his face for the first time.

Marie , 28 years old, Toulon (France)

The purchase of a house in the country made me happy. It gave me a goal.

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What makes me happy is really knowing that one day I'll have enough power to spread love and happiness.

Meriama , 15 years old, Marrakech (Maroc)

What makes me happy, it is in the morning when I wake up in my lover's arms and he kisses me lovingly

Olympia , 32 years old, Paris (France)

The smile of a child after an X-ray treatment… A baby holding out his hand… All that makes me happy!!

Laure , 34 years old, Blois (France)

It's snowing. I didn't drink today (well… yeah, a little). I'm trying to answer your question… happiness ? For me this intense, deep emotion that moves me : I feel that I'm going to go away… I won't tremble anymore… live, that's all. Happiness is knowing that you can go away, happiness is the smile of someone who doesn't know that I'm an alcoholic. Happiness… is thinking that I'm normal. Happiness : being right, loyal, and honest.

Victoire , 28 years old, Paris (France)

My most beautiful moment of happiness was when my love, Nuno Filipe, had prepared for me the most beautiful Valentine's day…. We went to the highest place in the region. Without me noticing anything, he took out two crystal glasses of champaign and a red roses bunch where there was a little note: with lots of love. And the best: a ring, a solitaire and the most important, lots of love…

Silvia , 23 years old, Pombal (Portugal)

I am learning to develop my ability to « not define » life, to melt into it rather than dominate it… and by so doing… I learn to love… and the more I love… the happier I am every day!

Surprising my brother and seeing the happiness on his face, that's enough to make me happy.

Kamila , 28 years old, Marseille (France)

What makes me happy is to be loved by the man of my life, a loving Canadian that fate put on my way.

Christelle , 25 years old, Nivelles (Belgique)
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What makes me happy is to believe in life, to believe in me.

What makes me happy is life... the simplicity of people... their joy of living and the smiles that surround me... I want to be happy with them like with myself... I want to live in the moment without ever forgetting the past that made me grow up so well.

Kalina , 23 years old, Laval (Canada)
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What makes me happy is being with my family, spending time together, feeling all of their love, expressing how I feel, telling them, showing them.

Yves , 55 years old, Eragny (France)

What makes me happy is to read every morning the Happython when I'm in class. It puts me in a good mood for all the day.

What makes me happy is knowing that I am loved for who I am and that fills my heart with emotion to have tears of it in my eyes ! Then I understand that life is more than magic. Thanks to life.

Petrouchka , 21 years old, Marseille (France)

What warms my heart and makes me happy is when nothing relents, seeing that my ideas come back stronger and more definite.

Jeff , 22 years old, Marseille (France)

All my travels.

Cécile , 34 years old, Gosselies (Belgique)

Nothing makes me happier than to create something with my own hands, to prepare some tempting meal that we can all share together later, or to sew cushions myself. There is a magic in creating, making, concocting something with ones own hands. It is a proof that our hands are just an extension of our thoughts.

My job!

Ferhat , 20 years old, Alger (Algérie)

What makes me happy is going to the Happython site every day, reading the testimonies of people filled with happiness ready to break up the sadness, to put my little foot on the wall, too. That puts sunshine in my eyes for the rest of the day.

Céline , 18 years old, Toulouse (France)
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What makes me happy is seeing my girlfriend in the morning on the train tell me « until tonight, my love, » and then leave listening to Chuck Berry singing « Johnny B. Goode. »

Raphaël , 20 years old, Paris (France)

What makes me happy is to have a special moment with my friends over an aperitif putting the world to rights.

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Freedom makes me feel happy.

Mahi , 28 years old, Alger (Algérie)

I'm happy every morning when my man snuggles up to me saying: “good morning, darling, I'm here next to you”. I shiver.

For me, it's the sea that makes me happy!!! When I see it or just even think about it I feel good deep inside. It might be quite trivial but the blue ocean makes me happy.

Mina , 30 years old, Tizi Ouzou (Algérie)

Oh… little everyday trifles make me happy … a smile, a hand in mine…a look, a laughing child…happiness is very relative…but we must know to appreciate the little things.

Angela , 40 years old, Benidorm (Espagne)

What made me happy was seeing whales in the distance spitting water, indifferent to the spectators sitting around a fire on this Zipolite beach.

Aude , 28 years old, Lyon (France)

What makes me most happy is when I see happy people. That's the reason why I try to make people happy. Sometimes a simple smile is enough…Fortunately there's a universal language that everybody can communicate with: the “language of the heart”.

Maïssa , 21 years old, Tunis (Tunisie)

I found a job after a long laborious search and that made me happy.

Mariem , 23 years old, Agadir (Maroc)

What makes me happy, hmm... The first is waking up and seeing sunbeams... the second is payday... the third is my last day at work!

Claire , 48 years old, Longueuil (Canada)
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What makes me happy is to be at the bottom of a mountain, a hill…watching the top and say to it: “see you soon”… To walk, sweat, breath, sometimes to suffer a little… and reach the top and think: “I've done it, thank you”. Just a challenge with nature. This is one of the most wonderful things in the world.

What makes me happy is to please to my parents so that they are proud of me. Thank you Dad and Mum, I'm madly in love with you!!!

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Having a cat makes me happy.

Yesterday it rained, I went for a walk with Deal along the ocean, we took photos of each other, we kissed each other, we laughed, we warmed up in a pub, and we shared a chocolate cake and a cherry tea.

I am happy when I can make a date with a very good-looking girl.

Micka , 22 years old, Lyon (France)

What makes me happy is breathing deep and seeing a smile appear on my face while I realize that it's good to live, something I had forgotten for a moment.

Annaïg , 25 years old, Lorient (France)

What makes me happy is to see that people can work together to overcome difficulty.

Leïla , 29 years old, Sousse (Tunisie)

The day I passed my driving license I was really happy because I had always thought I was useless

I'm in college prep, and what makes me happy is that my scores went from 2 over 20 to 4 over 20. I tell myself then, that now I see the fruits of my labors.

Laly , 18 years old, Paris (France)

What makes me happy is that, despite all the world's problems, there are at least 20318 happy people.

Audrey , 18 years old, Bordeaux (France)
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A kind of happiness that will never pass away is giving birth to a child, it is the most beautiful happiness to my mind.

Evelyne , 46 years old, Namur (Belgique)

What makes me happiest is laughing, with time, over things I've cried a lot about. That's how I finally tell myself that life is too beautiful but it's us who often see the world in black.

Aysel , 20 years old, Macon (France)
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What makes me happy is spending time with my friends, going out with them, sharing my deepest thoughts with them and feeling their trust.

Fabrice , 18 years old, Marseille (France)

What makes me happy is the children's smile.

Andrade , 52 years old, Lisbonne (Portugal)

What makes me happy is that my scientific experiments are progressing.

Amira , 26 years old, Monastir (Tunisie)

The simplest feeling of happiness is to know that someone somewhere loves you.

Edmée , 16 years old, Nabeul (Tunisie)

What makes me happy is to have left my parents' house.

Daniela , 32 years old, Ancône (Italie)

What makes me happy is that my annuual medical appointment with my cardiologist was OK, and that even if unfortunately, she leaves the region,, she has found a cardiologist specialized, like her, in congenital hearth disease (my disease), who works in the region where I am move in, whom she knows well, and promised me that he is friendly.

Maxime , 28 years old, Amiens (France)

Just now (apart from my wonderful family) the position of France, Germany, Russia, China and of course Belgium on the crisis in Irak, which shows there is some hope left. It gives me an immense happiness.

Thierry , 34 years old, Grez-Doiceau (Belgique)

What makes me happy is to please to my parents so that they are proud of me. Thank you Dad and Mum, I'm madly in love with you!!!

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Lots of things make me happy : I bought an appartment, I slept with a girl and I stopped smoking !

Lolie , 21 years old, Paris (France)

What makes me happy is that I've found my ideal girl.

Fethi , 35 years old, Tlemcen (Algérie)
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What has made me happy for 30 years is to live with an exceptional woman who is my wife, my friend, my confidante and my mistress all at the same time.

Rida , 55 years old, Sfax (Tunisie)

Up until now nothing that I have accomplished or created in my life is worth mentioning compared to that freedom I have acquired through the fact of doing nothing to accomplish, change or improve anything in the world, including myself

lived my greatest happiness after having gone through a period of depression. I walk outside and I kneeled before the color of the starry sky and I told myself: God it's beautiful!

Yann , 35 years old, Toulouse (France)

What makes me happy is reading every little bit of joy in my children's eyes.

Solange , 31 years old, Lyon (France)

My success (academic with honors) makes me happy.

Mane , 18 years old, Khouribga (Maroc)

I love to feel that boundaries don't exist here, smiles are the same everywhere, they can be exchanged in every language… that makes me happy.

Amandine , 21 years old, Madrid (Espagne)

What makes me happiest is all the little daily pleasures... Why search so hard, look what we have near

Louise , 43 years old, Chicoutimi (Canada)

What makes me happy is staying in contact with my old friends and making new friends.

Cynthia , 18 years old, Shawinigan (Canada)
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What makes me happy is knowing that laughing works your abs!

Maud , 20 years old, Paris (France)

The fact that I've met my soul mate makes me happy.

Sadek , 26 years old, Béjaïa (Algérie)
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What makes me happy is that each and every day, I live…

Andrade , 52 years old, Lisbonne (Portugal)

What makes me happy : Luigi who plays the guitar !

Vanessa , 21 years old, Rome (Italie)

I thought it was only possible to die from sadness. But one day I nearly died from happiness when the man I had always loved from afar, but only ever hoped to talk to, came and talked to me. It was the most beautiful day of my life.

Sanaa , 25 years old, Casablanca (Maroc)

What makes me happy is to be with my friends with a friend called Sasi, and also Fiore and Dolores.

Anna , 45 years old, Naples (Italie)

Classic happy moment, but true : waking up beside your love… a moment of pure tenderness… you wake from one dream to plunge into another…

Rémi , 23 years old, Lille (France)

Someone who is able to listen to you, to have a discussion with you. Also to be able to open your heart to someone who knows about human qualities.

Fathi , 45 years old, Sfax (Tunisie)

What makes me happy is when I find myself in the mountains again, simply in nature.

Manon , 36 years old, Verdun (France)

What makes me happy is to see happy sports people.

Hythem , 23 years old, Tunis (Tunisie)
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What makes me happy is writing a message to Happython and knowing that one day, maybe, my testimony with help spread the virus of happiness.

Hélène , 20 years old, Toulouse (France)

Smelling the scent of my children makes me happy.

Mireille , 45 years old, Madrid (Espagne)
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Happiness was when my adoptive brother and sister found their biological mother and also the 26th of August when I knew that I was cured of my cancer.